The Winter 2018 Newsletter is here! Click to download.
Commander’s Corner
Dear fellow Legionnaires, Auxiliary, Sons, and Riders: I highly encourage everyone to attend our General Membership meetings which occur on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. You will learn about upcoming events, as well as old and new business.
The Annandale Cannon is at M&M Auto Shop and is being worked on by the boy scouts. The wheels are being refurbished at Calimer’s Wheel Shop in Waynesboro, PA. They will call when the wheels are complete.
Please welcome our new Second Vice Greg Sarine and our Webmaster Zachary Wood. We are all looking forward to working with you.
The Legion Family Breakfast continues to be a huge success. Thank you Tennessee, Red, and Scott Pratt as they do all of the shopping, food preparation, and most of the cooking. We have outstanding volunteers to set up, serve, and cleanup. Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
We participated in the Taste of Annandale led by our Service Officer, Dorothy Vigano. We gave out free cotton candy and popcorn while we handed out information to the public about the American Legion and what we do. Remember that membership is everyone’s responsibility. I carry membership applications with me.
The American Legion Riders, ALR, took dinner to Leewood Nursing Home. Thank you Red, Tennessee, and Billy Q for cooking the turkeys and ham and Riders for delivering and serving food.
The Veteran’s Day Ceremony was performed in conjunction with the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). It was a pleasure working with Lynn Maines, DAR, in coordinating this major event. We worked with Mike Moser, Cemetery Director, from the Annandale United Methodist Church and we had a larger turnout than usual as this occurred between church services. It was wonderful seeing all the new faces. The color guard was Boy Scout troop 150 and we were honored to have them. It was an honor having Barbara Huff, DAR, as our guest speaker and she spoke about Vietnam POWs whom she interviewed.
Thank you, Patricia and Andy Ness, for your generosity in preparing and serving Thanksgiving meals to our members.
Our Christmas Party will be on 12/15/2018 from 5 p.m.–8 p.m. We are having potluck so please bring a dish. The post will provide meat dishes. There will also be a “White Elephant” gift exchange, not to exceed $20.00. Bring a gift if you would like to participate.
Thank you,
Gretchen Trujillo, Commander